Friday, February 18, 2011

Current Events: Wisconsin Union Boycott
Government workers are boycotting a proposal to cut retirement benefits imposed by the union in Wisconsin. Currently the state of Wisconsin is broke and have been paying 100% of retirement and health care benefits, the proposal would make state employees more in align with the rest of the country and public sector equivalent where they pay part and their employer puts in part. The union claims they are not fighting over balancing the budget but to their right to collective bargain over these issues. Many are protesting including teachers who called in sick to attend boycotts. Some schools had 40% or more of their teachers not report to duty causing them to close school for a few days now. The state can fire the teachers that have attended the boycotts because state employees are not allowed to strike. If the state does not cut their Budget they will have to let go hundreds of their teachers impacting education. In my opinion, it is almost better to cut some of the benefits that teachers have been enjoying for the good of everyone including the students. While people hate to give up what they have been enjoying it is better to shave off a little than to cut the whole thing.

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