Friday, February 18, 2011

Communication: How to Improve

Effective communication is a critical characteristic of an effective school principal. Blankstein (2010) said, "It helps to clearly communicate one's own perspective or point of view-and to do it often" (p70). First and foremost you have to consider your audience before communicating and decide on the best means to deliver your message. There are many different ways that you can communicate: E-mail, newsletter, message boards, posters, meetings, blogs, websites, pod casts, etc. After choosing the appropriate method for message delivery it is important to get feedback on how your message came across to make sure it was effective and your message was understood in the way you intended it to be.
Somethings to consider when delivering your message in person are body language both from you and your receiving audience. While there are always exceptions to the rule with different life experiences and cultures, there are tell tale signs that show if a person is receiving your message, is disengaged or being defensive when are delivering your message. Defensiveness is when a persons arms are crossed, disengaged people tend me be looking down and away or doodling, a lying person has their hand in front of mouth, a person reflecting on what you said eyes look away and back to you or have their hand on their cheek.

talks of the 7-C's of communication. They are being clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete and courteous. According to the article we all communicate every day, the better we communicate the more credibility we will have with our bosses, coworkers and every person we interact with.

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